A secondary problem associated with soggy/compacted soils, is the lack of aerobic bacteria. As the name suggests, this bacterium needs oxygen to survive. Aerobic bacteria is what actually breaks down organic matter, in the soil, releasing nitrogen. Aerobic bacteria feeds from carbon and releases nitrogen in the process. Technically plants produce their own food during photosynthesis. The nitrogen that is released during decomposition of organic matter is only one of the materials used in this process.
- Plants Must Have Food To Survive
- Plants Produce Food During Photosynthesis
- Plants Store Excess Energy As Starches
- Plants Convert Starches Back To Sugars To Be Used For Energy Through Respiration
- Photosynthesis Can’t Occur Without Chlorophyll
- Green Plant Color Comes From Chlorophyll
- Chlorophyll Can’t Be Produced Without Nitrogen
- Nitrogen Cannot Be Produced Without Aerobic Bacteria
- Aerobic Bacteria Can’t Live In Compacted/saturated Soils
- Respiration Requires The Exchange Of Gases From The Root System. (carbon Dioxide And Oxygen)
- Respiration Can’t Occur In Waterlogged Soils Because Water Has Displaced The Gases