Can I apply my own treatment?

There are some termiticides available from do-it-yourself centers, but proper application and strict adherence to label directions are essential for effective control. Termite galleries (tunnels through which termites travel) may be 1/32 of an inch in diameter, so even a tiny area of untreated soil could allow termites to avoid a “treated” area. Some states have recently allowed do-it-yourself baiting systems to be sold, but again proper application and strict adherence to the label instructions are imperative for them to be successful in termite control. Professional pest control operators (PCO) have the experience and insight needed to help design the most effective treatment program. You should familiarize yourself with as much information about termites as possible and talk to several companies to determine all of your options. Be certain to understand what the operators propose and get bids in writing so that you can compare the various proposals. There are several valid options for termite control and you have some time to make comparisons, but termite infestations will not “just go away.” These termites can dig underground tunnels in untreated soil bypassing treated soil to invade your home. It takes a trained professional to detect all possible entryways to your home. Among the many options you will be presented are fumigation, which kills termites in the walls of your home, but not ones hiding in the soil below. Usually, the PCO recommends a soil treatment in combination with fumigation to prevent the underground termites from invading your home again. New monitoring and baiting technologies have been developed and are successful in controlling both native and Formosan subterranean termites.